Basket Strainers

Basket Strainers

Basket type strainer units

The basket type or pot type strainer is characterised by a vertically orientated chamber, typically larger than that of a Y-type strainer. Size for size, the pressure drop across a basket strainer is less than that across the Y-type as it has a greater free straining area, which makes the basket type strainer the preferred type for liquid applications. As the dirt holding capacity is also greater than in Y-type strainers, the basket type strainer is also used on larger diameter steam pipelines.

Basket type strainers can only be installed in horizontal pipelines, and for larger, heavier basket strainers, the base of the strainer needs to be supported.

When basket type strainers are used on steam systems, a significant amount of condensate may be formed. Consequently, strainers designed for use in steam systems usually have a drain plug, which can be fitted with a steam trap to remove the condensate.

Basket type strainers are commonly found in a duplex arrangement. A second strainer is placed in parallel with the primary strainer, and flow can be diverted through either of the two strainers. This facilitates cleaning of the strainer unit whilst the fluid system is still operating, reducing the downtime for maintenance.

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