Excluded from 97/23/EC Directive (article 1, §3.2) - CW617N body & ball (except 795: stainless steel CF8M) - PS: 16 bar (except 698: 30 bar; 1345: 10 bar) - TS: 0°C/+60°C (except 698: -10°C/+90°C; 795: -10°C/+150°C; 695: -10°C/+100°C). With locking device.
Excluded from 97/23/EC Directive (article 1, §3.2) - CW617N body & ball (except 795: stainless steel CF8M) - PS: 16 bar (except 698: 30 bar; 1345: 10 bar) - TS: 0°C/+60°C (except 698: -10°C/+90°C; 795: -10°C/+150°C; 695: -10°C/+100°C).
Excluded from 97/23/EC Directive (article 1, §3.2) - CW617N body & ball (except 795: stainless steel CF8M) - PS: 16 bar (except 698: 30 bar; 1345: 10 bar) - TS: 0°C/+60°C (except 698: -10°C/+90°C; 795: -10°C/+150°C; 695: -10°C/+100°C).
Excluded from 97/23/EC Directive (article 1, §3.2) - CW617N body & ball (except 795: stainless steel CF8M) - PS: 16 bar (except 698: 30 bar; 1345: 10 bar) - TS: 0°C/+60°C (except 698: -10°C/+90°C; 795: -10°C/+150°C; 695: -10°C/+100°C). With angle brass ball valve.
Ball valves. Excluded from 97/23/EC Directive (article 1, §3.2) - Use : swimming pool, water treatment & distribution - PVC-U body & ball - PP handle - HPDE ball gaskets - EPDM o-ring gaskets - Max. Δp: 3 bar - TS: 0°C/+60°C.
Butterfly valve. Excluded from 97/23/EC Directive (article 1, §3.2) - PVC-U body & disc - EPDM seat - 7 position ABS handle - Max. Δp: 3 bar - TS: 0°C/+40°C.
Ball check valve. Excluded from 97/23/EC Directive (article 1, §3.2) - EN 12050-4 (for lifting stations) - PVC-U body & ball - EPDM gasket - PS: 10 bar - TS: 0°C/+60°C.