Spare seats for unidirectional valves

Options for pneumatic actuated knife gate valves

Spare seats for unidirectional valves (mounted with the valve when ordered at the same time)
DN 50 65 80 100 125 150 200 250 300 350

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50 985500 985520 985560 985540
65 985501 985521 985561 985541
80 985502 985522 985562 985542
100 985503 985523 985563 985543
125 985504 985524 985564 985544
150 985505 985525 985565 985545
200 985506 985526 985566 985546
250 985507 985527 985567 985547
300 985508 985528 985568 985548
350 985509 985529 985569 985549
400 985510 985530 985570 985550

*Uncomplete tightness.