Aktuator ventiler eller aktuerede ventiler findes i rigtig mange fabrikater det der dog kendetegner forskellen er den stjerne top inde i aktuatoren som forbinder ventilen med aktuatoren, det kaldes en ISO top de fleste har en standard der hedder 5211 og efterfulgt af en oplysning omkring størrelsen som kan hedde F03/05 efterfluldt af stjerne størrelsen 11-14-17-22-27 osv. Det som også er vigtigt er hvilket moment i NM som ventilen skal aktiveres med, vi kan hjælpe hvis vi får informationer omkring hvilken ventil type og hvilken størrelse ventilen er så har vi tabeller til at finde den rigtige aktuator med det rigtige moment, hvis der er problemer med at pasningen på akslen ikke passer kan der monteres løse støttebøsninger, som passe til akslen og ind i aktuatoren.
Brass silencer for Namur solenoid pilot valves, designed to reduce noise and enhance performance in pneumatic systems. It ensures a quieter operation.
Stainless steel silencer for Namur solenoid pilot valves, designed to minimize noise and improve performance in pneumatic systems. It ensures quiet operation.
More about 502 - Brass ball valve with pneumatic actuator All our pneumatic actuated ball valves are designed for a compressed air supply of 6 bar - Please consult for any other air supply pressure - Max. ∆P: 10 bar. CW617N body & ball - PTFE seats - Stem tightness: NBR - Full bore - PS: 16 bar - TS: -10°C/+100°C.
More about 513 L port / 514 T port - 3 way brass ball valve with pneumatic actuator All our pneumatic actuated ball valves are designed for a compressed air supply of 6 bar - Please consult for any other air supply pressure - Max. ∆P: 10 bar. CW617N body & ball - PTFE seats - Stem tightness: FKM - Reduced bore - PS: 16 bar - TS: -10°C/+100°C.
More about 513 L port / 514 T port - 3 way brass ball valve with pneumatic actuator All our pneumatic actuated ball valves are designed for a compressed air supply of 6 bar - Please consult for any other air supply pressure - Max. ∆P: 10 bar. CW617N body & ball - PTFE seats - Stem tightness: FKM - Reduced bore - PS: 16 bar - TS: -10°C/+100°C.
More about 507 - Cast iron flanged ball valve with pneumatic actuator All our pneumatic actuated ball valves are designed for a compressed air supply of 6 bar - Please consult for any other air supply pressure - Max. ∆P: 10 bar.
More about 507 - Cast iron flanged ball valve with pneumatic actuator All our pneumatic actuated ball valves are designed for a compressed air supply of 6 bar - Please consult for any other air supply pressure - Max. ∆P: 10 bar.
More about 715 XS - 2 piece stainless steel ball valve with pneumatic actuator All our pneumatic actuated ball valves are designed for a compressed air supply of 6 bar - Please consult for any other air supply pressure - Max. ∆P: 10 bar. CF8M body & ball - PTFE seats - Stem tightness: PTFE/FKM - Full bore -PS: 63 bar - TS: -10°C/+180°C.
More about 715 XS - 2 piece stainless steel ball valve with pneumatic actuator All our pneumatic actuated ball valves are designed for a compressed air supply of 6 bar - Please consult for any other air supply pressure - Max. ∆P: 10 bar. CF8M body & ball - PTFE seats - Stem tightness: PTFE/FKM - Full bore -PS: 63 bar - TS: -10°C/+180°C.
More about 736 XS - 3 piece carbon steel ball valve with pneumatic actuator All our pneumatic actuated ball valves are designed for a compressed air supply of 6 bar - Please consult for any other air supply pressure - Max. ∆P: 10 bar. A216WCB body - CF8M ball - RTFE seats - Stem tightness: PTFE/FKM - TS: -25°C/+180°C.
More about 736 XS - 3 piece carbon steel ball valve with pneumatic actuator All our pneumatic actuated ball valves are designed for a compressed air supply of 6 bar - Please consult for any other air supply pressure - Max. ∆P: 10 bar. A216WCB body - CF8M ball - RTFE seats - Stem tightness: PTFE/FKM - TS: -25°C/+180°C.
Brass throttle valve for precise flow control in various industrial applications. Ideal for regulating fluid flow with accuracy and efficiency.
More about 746 XS - 3 piece stainless steel ball valve with pneumatic actuator All our pneumatic actuated ball valves are designed for a compressed air supply of 6 bar - Please consult for any other air supply pressure - Max. ∆P: 10 bar. CF8M body & ball - RTFE seats - Stem tightness: PTFE/FKM - Full bore - PS: 63 bar -TS: -40°C/+180°C.
More about 746 XS - 3 piece stainless steel ball valve with pneumatic actuator All our pneumatic actuated ball valves are designed for a compressed air supply of 6 bar - Please consult for any other air supply pressure - Max. ∆P: 10 bar. CF8M body & ball - RTFE seats - Stem tightness: PTFE/FKM - Full bore - PS: 63 bar -TS: -40°C/+180°C.
More about 737 XS - 3 piece carbon steel ball valve with pneumatic actuator All our pneumatic actuated ball valves are designed for a compressed air supply of 6 bar - Please consult for any other air supply pressure - Max. ∆P: 10 bar.
More about 737 XS - 3 piece carbon steel ball valve with pneumatic actuator All our pneumatic actuated ball valves are designed for a compressed air supply of 6 bar - Please consult for any other air supply pressure - Max. ∆P: 10 bar.
More about 737 XS - 3 piece carbon steel ball valve with pneumatic actuator All our pneumatic actuated ball valves are designed for a compressed air supply of 6 bar - Please consult for any other air supply pressure - Max. ∆P: 10 bar.
More about 747 XS - 3 piece stainless steel ball valve with pneumatic actuator All our pneumatic actuated ball valves are designed for a compressed air supply of 6 bar - Please consult for any other air supply pressure - Max. ∆P: 10 bar.
Hos Lauridsen Group tilbyder vi et omfattende udvalg af aktuatorventiler, der sikrer effektiv og præcis kontrol af flow i dine systemer. Vores sortiment inkluderer både elektriske aktuatorventiler og pneumatiske løsninger, designet til at imødekomme forskellige industrielle behov.
En aktuatorventil kombinerer en ventil med en aktuator, hvilket muliggør automatisk styring af væske- eller gasflow. Aktuatoren modtager et signal—elektrisk, pneumatisk eller hydraulisk—og omdanner det til mekanisk bevægelse, der åbner, lukker eller justerer ventilen. Dette eliminerer behovet for manuel betjening og sikrer præcis regulering.
Elektriske aktuatorventiler tilbyder flere fordele:
Præcision: Nøjagtig kontrol over ventilens position, hvilket er essentielt i processer, hvor små ændringer kan have stor betydning.
Nem integration: Kan nemt integreres i eksisterende systemer med elektrisk styring.
Fleksibilitet: Velegnede til applikationer, hvor der kræves variabel kontrol, såsom i HVAC-systemer og industrielle processer.
Vi tilbyder et bredt spektrum af elektriske aktuatorventiler, herunder:
On/Off elektriske aktuatorventiler: Ideelle til applikationer, der kræver simpel åbning og lukning af flow.
Modulerende elektriske aktuatorventiler: Designet til præcis regulering af flow, hvor ventilens position kontinuerligt justeres baseret på styresignaler.
Fail-safe elektriske aktuatorventiler: Udstyret med backup-systemer, der sikrer, at ventilen vender tilbage til en sikker position i tilfælde af strømsvigt.
Vores elektriske aktuatorventiler anvendes i en række forskellige industrier og applikationer:
Vandbehandling: Præcis dosering af kemikalier og styring af vandflow.
Fødevare- og drikkevareindustrien: Hygiejnisk og effektiv kontrol af væskeflow i produktionsprocesser.
Energisektoren: Styring af damp- og gasflow i kraftværker.
Ved at vælge Lauridsen Group som din leverandør af aktuatorventiler får du:
Ekspertise: Mange års erfaring inden for ventilteknologi og automatisering.
Kvalitet: Produkter fremstillet af førsteklasses materialer, der sikrer lang levetid og pålidelighed.
Support: Professionel rådgivning og support til at vælge den rette løsning til dine specifikke behov.
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