Find det rette udvalg af ventiler til dit system hos Lauridsen Group. Vi tilbyder alt fra kugleventiler og skydeventiler til kontraventiler i høj kvalitet, der sikrer optimal regulering og driftssikkerhed. Uanset om det er til vand, varme eller industri, har vi løsningen til dit behov.
All our pneumatic actuated butterfly valves are designed for a compressed air supply of 6 bar - Please consult for any other air supply pressure - Max. ΔP: 10 bar. GGG40 body - Epoxy coated GGG40 disc - EPDM seat - Lug type PN10/16 - PS: 16 bar - TS: -10°C/+110°C.
All our pneumatic actuated butterfly valves are designed for a compressed air supply of 6 bar - Please consult for any other air supply pressure - Max. ΔP: 10 bar. GGG40 body - Epoxy coated GGG40 disc - EPDM seat - Lug type PN10/16 - PS: 16 bar - TS: -10°C/+110°C.
All our pneumatic actuated butterfly valves are designed for a compressed air supply of 6 bar - Please consult for any other air supply pressure - Max. ΔP: 10 bar. GGG40 body - CF8M disc - EPDM seat - Lug type PN10/16 - PS: 16 bar - TS: -10°C/+110°C.
All our pneumatic actuated butterfly valves are designed for a compressed air supply of 6 bar - Please consult for any other air supply pressure - Max. ΔP: 10 bar. GGG40 body - CF8M disc - EPDM seat - Lug type PN10/16 - PS: 16 bar - TS: -10°C/+110°C.
All our pneumatic actuated butterfly valves are designed for a compressed air supply of 6 bar - Please consult for any other air supply pressure - Max. ΔP: 10 bar. GGG50 body - GGG50 disc (CF8M disc up to DN100) - EPDM seat - Lug type PN10/16 up to DN150, PN10 above - PS: 16 bar up to DN150, 10 bar above - TS: -10°C/+110°C.
All our pneumatic actuated butterfly valves are designed for a compressed air supply of 6 bar - Please consult for any other air supply pressure - Max. ΔP: 10 bar. GGG50 body - GGG50 disc (CF8M disc up to DN100) - EPDM seat - Lug type PN10/16 up to DN150, PN10 above - PS: 16 bar up to DN150, 10 bar above - TS: -10°C/+110°C.
All our pneumatic actuated butterfly valves are designed for a compressed air supply of 6 bar - Please consult for any other air supply pressure - Max. ΔP: 10 bar. GGG50 body - CF8M - EPDM seat - Lug type PN10/16 up to DN150, PN10 above - PS: 16 bar up to DN150, 10 bar above - TS: -10°C/+110°C.
All our pneumatic actuated butterfly valves are designed for a compressed air supply of 6 bar - Please consult for any other air supply pressure - Max. ΔP: 10 bar. GGG50 body - CF8M - EPDM seat - Lug type PN10/16 up to DN150, PN10 above - PS: 16 bar up to DN150, 10 bar above - TS: -10°C/+110°C.
More about 1113 - Carbon steel double eccentric butterfly valve with pneumatic actuator All our pneumatic actuated butterfly valves are designed for a compressed air supply of 6 bar -Please consult for any other air supply pressure - Max. ΔP: 20 bar.
More about 1113 - Carbon steel double eccentric butterfly valve with pneumatic actuator All our pneumatic actuated butterfly valves are designed for a compressed air supply of 6 bar -Please consult for any other air supply pressure - Max. ΔP: 20 bar.
More about 1114 - Stainless steel double eccentric butterfly valve with pneumatic actuator All our pneumatic actuated butterfly valves are designed for a compressed air supply of 6 bar - Please consult for any other air supply pressure - Max. ΔP: 20 bar. Same as 1113 above, except: CF8M body & disc.
More about 1114 - Stainless steel double eccentric butterfly valve with pneumatic actuator All our pneumatic actuated butterfly valves are designed for a compressed air supply of 6 bar - Please consult for any other air supply pressure - Max. ΔP: 20 bar. Same as 1113 above, except: CF8M body & disc.
All our pneumatic actuated butterfly valves are designed for a compressed air supply of 6 bar - Please consult for any other air supply pressure - Max. ΔP: 20 bar. A216WCB body - CF8M disc - Stainless steel F316 stem - PTFE-graphite seat & gland pack - Wafer type ANSI 150 - Fire safe API 607/5 - Unidirectional use - PS: 20 bar - TS: -10°C/+210°C.
All our pneumatic actuated butterfly valves are designed for a compressed air supply of 6 bar - Please consult for any other air supply pressure - Max. ΔP: 20 bar. A216WCB body - CF8M disc - Stainless steel F316 stem - PTFE-graphite seat & gland pack - Wafer type ANSI 150 - Fire safe API 607/5 - Unidirectional use - PS: 20 bar - TS: -10°C/+210°C.
All our pneumatic actuated butterfly valves are designed for a compressed air supply of 6 bar - Please consult for any other air supply pressure - Max. ΔP: 20 bar. Same as 1115 above, except: CF8M body & disc.
All our pneumatic actuated butterfly valves are designed for a compressed air supply of 6 bar - Please consult for any other air supply pressure - Max. ΔP: 20 bar. Same as 1115 above, except: CF8M body & disc.
Between flanges PN10 - Painted steel side covers - Actuator designed for lubrificated air input 6 bar. GG25 body - F304 gate - TS: -10°C/+80°C.
Between flanges PN10 - Painted steel side covers - Actuator designed for lubrificated air input 6 bar. GG25 body - F304 gate - TS: -10°C/+110°C.
Between flanges PN10 - Painted steel side covers - Actuator designed for lubrificated air input 6 bar. GG25 body - F304 gate - TS: -10°C/+90°C - Uncomplete tightness: loss factor 2% of kvs.
Between flanges PN10 - Painted steel side covers - Actuator designed for lubrificated air input 6 bar. CF8M body - F316 gate - TS: 0°C/+100°C.
At vælge den rigtige ventil til dit system kan være en udfordring, da der findes mange forskellige ventiler til forskellige formål. Hos Lauridsen Group gør vi det nemt for dig at finde den helt rette ventil ved at tilbyde et bredt udvalg af kontraventiler, afspærringsventiler og reguleringsventiler i høj kvalitet.
Brug alle filtre på vores webshop til at indsnævre din søgning og sikre, at du finder den rigtige ventil i det korrekte tryk, materiale og dimension. Med vores brede sortiment kan du hurtigt navigere gennem alle varer for at finde præcis den løsning, der passer til dit behov.
Vores specialister står klar til at rådgive dig om alt fra gennemstrømningen i dine installationer til valg af den helt rette ventil til dit specifikke projekt. Vi hjælper dagligt vores kunder med at finde den optimale løsning blandt vores ventilerne, uanset om det drejer sig om små installationer eller et stort antal ventiler til industrielle systemer.
Har du spørgsmål til vores kontraventiler, afspærringsventiler eller reguleringsventiler? Kontakt os i dag – vores specialister er altid klar til at rådgive dig om den bedste løsning.
Hos Lauridsen Group tilbyder vi et bredt udvalg af ventiler til forskellige formål. For at gøre det nemmere for dig at finde den rette løsning, har vi inddelt vores sortiment i fire underkategorier. Uanset om du har brug for præcis flowkontrol, sikker trykregulering eller effektiv afspærring, har vi ventilen, der passer til din installation.
Afspærringsventiler bruges til at åbne og lukke for vand- eller væskestrømme i VVS-installationer. De sikrer optimal kontrol og forebygger lækager. Vores sortiment inkluderer kugleventiler, skydeventiler og butterflyventiler – alle i robuste materialer, der sikrer lang holdbarhed og høj driftssikkerhed.
En sikkerhedsventil er afgørende for at forhindre overbelastning og skader på VVS-systemer. Den åbner automatisk, hvis trykket bliver for højt, og aflaster dermed installationen. Vi tilbyder sikkerhedsventiler til varmtvandsbeholdere, fjernvarmeanlæg og industrielle applikationer, der sikrer maksimal beskyttelse og pålidelighed.
Reguleringsventiler giver mulighed for finjustering af væske- og luftstrømme i et system. De bruges ofte i varme- og køleanlæg samt industrielle processer. Med vores udvalg af trykreguleringsventiler, flowventiler og termostatventiler kan du sikre den optimale driftseffektivitet.
For at få den bedste ydeevne ud af dine ventiler er det vigtigt at vælge det rette tilbehør. Vi tilbyder pakninger, fittings, aktuatorer og andet nødvendigt udstyr til installation og vedligeholdelse. Med kvalitetskomponenter sikrer du, at dine ventiler fungerer optimalt i mange år fremover.
Uanset hvilken type ventil du søger, kan du finde den i vores store udvalg. Har du brug for vejledning? Kontakt os for professionel rådgivning – vi hjælper dig med at vælge den rette løsning til dit projekt.