Normally closed (opening under tension) - Brass CW617N body - FKM seat -Coil insulation F class - T30 connector - Max. external temperature: +60°C - PS: 20 bar - ΔP min.: 0,1 bar - TS: +150°C.
Pneumatic actuated membrane valves PVC-U body - EPDM membrane & gaskets or PTFE membrane & FKM gaskets - Supplied with female glued unions - PS: 6 bar - TS: 0°C/+60°C - Max. air supply 6 bar - Air supply connection 1/4".
Pneumatic actuated membrane valves PP body - EPDM membrane & gaskets or PTFE membrane & FKM gaskets - Supplied with female glued unions - PS: 6 bar - TS: 0°C/+60°C - Max. air supply 6 bar - Air supply connection 1/4".